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Careers & Grooming School Academy



Check out what Separates us from Other Salons and How you can Add Value to Your Life with Red Carpet 

To Apply Read Which Category you Fit Under then Schedule your Interview for the Position.

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At Red Carpet Pet Grooming we are well aware that most pet industry workers are burnt out, physically exhausted and sometimes undervalued. The Owner herself has worked as a pet groomer at a multitude of salons for over 13 years before starting the Red Carpet Company giving her insight of just how important it is for pet workers to be in a thriving setting that encourages and restores. We have created a smooth work flow at our salon and we specialize in grooming dogs that are used to frequent grooming. We hold a strict standard upon the type of dogs that we accept in our space such as the rejection of non aggressive and unruly pets. We take specific teamwork protocols for vocal/barky dogs or those with puppy behavior these measures make pet work do-able and avoids draining our staff. We have generated a stress-free grooming environment, that is highly rewarding and productive.


Another incomparable benefit is our 4 day work week schedule. Designed to give employees a flexible lifestyle for more free time. This allows our team to gain performance recovery, and an ability to spend more time doing what they love. (5 day work weeks are also available only to fully experienced applicants looking to get ahead a bit more financially). With our company great work is rewarded with promotions and an establishment that isn't just in the business of making a positive impact on the well being of animals and our community while executing professionalism. We're also deeply invested in our devoted employees, we pride ourselves in this quality as it separates us from the majority of modern day employers. Did we mention we offer bonuses for great attendance? So what does it takes to join our entourage and what are we looking for? The information below will include categories our applicants fall under as well as a brief understanding of our compensation style and how to apply for the open positions.

































Bathers with at least 3 months of experience can apply to be trained in our fashion to become a Suds & Fluff Master typically it will take 2- 4 weeks of working shifts for you to fully integrate with our system. This position can be full time or part time depending on level of experience, speed, and applicant preference. Pay can range hourly from $16.50-$19.00 an hour depending on pace and efficiency.

Groomers with 3- 6 months of experience can apply as a Groomers Assistant Stylist where we will provide you with a studious work station while training to help you sharpen your skills and finalize your grooming abilities. You can become a knowledgeable and capable stylist and learn from Expert Groomers. This position could start off as part-time as we want our baby groomers to succeed and exceed by learning extensively. This may take up to a year to build all of your skillsets before you're an independent groomer. Pay can range hourly from $18.00-$25.00 an hour depending on pace and adaptability.

Bathers with 1-2 years of experience can apply to become a Bathing Supervisor. This position will require 1-3 weeks of training work shifts where you will learn our bathing techniques and the aspects of managing bathers to help retain quality and procedures of grooms during your day to day washes. You will be informed of company goals, polices / guidelines then adhere to the measures and protocols taken to do so. Pay can range from $17.50-$21.00 an hour depending on skillset and ability of achievements

Groomers with 2+ years of experience can apply to become a Love Based Stylist this position will require a minimal 2 weeks of trained working shifts. During this time you will learn our company goals, policies, standards, grooming styles, expectancies and procedures. Pay can average from $26.00-$35.00 an hour and generally falls within the commission range of 30%-41% depending on level of expertise and groomers comfortability pace. Groomers can Advance to 50% commission based on skillset, seniority of staff, ability to train and quality of work.

Pet Grooming School & Academy


Bathers and Groomers with minimal to No Experience can apply as Paid Internships in this trainee position you will learn a wealth of information while developing a professional career that can take care of you for a life time. This position is learned in ranks. Bathing being the first Rank and Grooming being the second Rank. Training will initially take 6-8 weeks to complete your first rank and easily be completed faster based totally on your dedication and willingness to master. 


We will be giving you the skill sets and knowledge necessary to work in the daily growing abundant pet industry. Opening opportunities for your future that will result in job security. Did you know that the grooming industry is considered recession proof? It is a reliable trade of work that can be developed almost infinitely depending on your personal goals. As you Intern you will be taught the same material that is learned in paid grooming academy's. You will become knowledgeable about dog behavior, dog breeds, styles of grooming, how to bathe, blow dry and or groom from start to finish, customer service techniques, expand and grow sales skills, understand the personality type of pet owners as well as what it takes to become an all star groomer! Being A true value this position can take anywhere from 3-6 months as a bather intern and 6 months to a year as a grooming intern. You will have the potential to learn both skillsets under our wing! Pay range can be $14.00-$17.00 an hour. Once you have studied and completed your bathing or grooming rank you can be promoted under positions such as the categories above. In addition to that Grooming Academy's cost anywhere from a whopping $3,000-$6,000. At Red Carpet we pay you, you pay attention. Here you can see this is a clear investment in your career path. This trainee position is the right fit for if you appreciate art, truly and deeply love dogs, love working with your hands, enjoy a challenge, need variety to keep you interested, have a very patient personality type and are seeking and able to maintain a long term, stable employment in the mission of bettering animal lives.



1 ) Use the Applicant Categories listed here to recognize which position you can *audition* for. This is Red Carpet Pet Grooming we need to make sure you are casted for the right role!

2) Visit www. redcarpetgrooming .org/
3) Click the careers link (It will be in the menu bar if you are on a mobile phone)

4) Click the link under "Join our Cast" pick the *REQUESTED* day and time of your interview, then fill out the necessary information to be contacted.



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